基甸音像与文字 基甸连线 Audios, Videos, and Writings of Jidian

欢迎来到基甸的个人网页。基甸(Sean Cheng)是散居宣教士,基督教媒体编辑,《万有之上:基督教与科学的奇缘》、《追寻与回归》和《穿越网络的信仰思辨》作者,华人教会讲员。曾任《海外校园》主编、全球福音派旗舰媒体《今日基督教》亚洲编辑兼中文主编。美国改革宗神学院(RTS)宗教学硕士,阿拉巴马大学化学硕士。

Welcome to Jidian’s personal evangelist webpage. Jidian (Sean Cheng) is the host of YouTube channel in Chinese and the (co-)author of three Chinese books about Christianity, Above All Things: The Romance and War between Christianity and Science, The Search and the Return and Responses to Skepticism About the Christian Faith, and a speaker and preacher serving Chinese churches all over the world. He was the chief editor of the Overseas Campus magazine and Asia Editor and Chinese Managing Editor of the global evangelical media Christianity Today. He holds a Master of Arts in Religion degree from Reformed Theological Seminary and a Master of Science degree from the University of Alabama.


【Testimony in English】
How I Became a Christian, Then an Internet Evangelist

【脸书 Facebook】
个人脸书 Sean Cheng Facebook

【访谈 Interviews】
播客访谈 Podcast Interviews

【书籍 Books】
《万有之上——基督教与科学的奇缘》 Above All Things: The Romance and War between Christianity and Science
《追寻与回归》 The Search and the Return
《穿越网络的信仰思辨》 Responses to Skepticism About the Christian Faith

【《今日基督教》 CT Chinese】
在CT(《今日基督教》)发表的中文文章 Chinese Articles on Christianity Today Website

【文章 Essays】
近年发表的部分文章 Essays Published in Recent Years

【油管 YouTube】
基甸YouTube频道 Evangelist Youtube Channel

【讲座 Seminars and Training】
讲座与培训录像 Videos of Seminars and Training

【讲道 Sermons and Evangelist Preaching】
讲道与布道录像 Videos of Sermons and Evangelist Preaching

【博客 Blog】
基甸博客 Jidian Blog

【音频 Audio/Podcast】
“基甸聊天”福音音频 Evangelist Podcast Audios

【Video in English】
Digital Evangelism on the Chinese Internet

【(Long Version) Testimony in English】
Jidian's Journey of Faith

【Master of Arts in Religion Thesis】
Intelligent Design, Contemporary Design Argument from Biology, and Chrsitian Apologetics

【联系 Contact】
基甸电子邮箱 Jidian's email