美国是“以基督教立国”的国家吗?(一) --回应方舟子《无神论者是什么》(五) 作者:基甸 最初发表:宗教论坛 (引方舟子文) > 【美国以基督教立国!】 > > 从美国几位重要创建者对基督教的态度来看,我们很难相信美国是以基督教 > 立国的。 > > 本杰明·富兰克林在1728年11月20日写道: > > “我无法想象无限的天父会盼望或要求我们的崇拜、赞美,我甚至无法想象 > 他是无限地存在天上。” > > 托马斯·杰斐逊在1787年8月10日致Peter Carr的信中写道: > > “甚至对上帝是否存在也要大胆地质疑。因为,如果上帝存在的话,他也一 > 定会更赞成理性的尊重,而不是盲目的恐惧。” > > 托马斯·杰斐逊在1820年致W. Short的信中说: > > “不要误以为我赞同他(耶稣)的所有教条。我是实利主义者,他则站在精 > 神至上那一方。他宣扬悔恨是赎罪的有效方式,我则要求用努力工作来抵罪。在 > 其传记作者所归于他的言论和布道中,我发现了充满美好想象、正确的道德和最 > 可爱的仁慈的许多段落,但是我同样发现了那么多的无知,那么多的荒唐,那么 > 多的虚假、蒙骗和欺诈,就象是宣布如此多的互相矛盾不可能来自于同一个人。 > 因此我要把金子和渣滓分开,把耶稣复原为前者,而把后者归于他的使徒们的愚 > 蠢和欺诈。保罗就是这些骗子当中的佼佼者,耶稣教条的第一个败坏者。” > > 托马斯·杰斐逊在1823年4月11日致约翰·亚当斯的信中写道: > “总有一天,所谓耶稣以上帝为父,在处女的子宫中神秘诞生的说法,将与 > 米涅瓦从朱比特的脑中诞生的说法一样,被视为寓言。” > > 约翰·亚当斯在1816年12月27日致F.A. Vander Kamp的信中写道: > > “按我的理解,基督教信仰过去是、现在也是神启。但是,无数的寓言、故 > 事、传说跟犹太教和基督教的神启混合在了一起,使得它们成了前所未有的最为 > 血腥的宗教,这是怎么一回事?” > > 约翰·亚当斯在致托马斯·杰斐逊的信中还说: > > “一想起十字架,这个人类有史以来妄用苦难的最要命的象征,我就几乎要 > 浑身发抖。想想这个苦难的工具所带来的灾难!” > > 最后,在1777年美国参议院批准、美国总统签署的1776年第黎波利条约第11 > 条明确宣布美国不以基督教立国: > > “由于美国在任何意义上都不是建立在基督教的基础上,由于美国对穆斯林 > 法律、宗教和安定不抱任何敌意,又由于美国从未参与针对任何穆斯林国家的战 > 争或敌对行为,双方宣布,不应该因为宗教的意见而产生借口破坏两国和谐共 > 处。”(Charles I. Bevans' "Treaties and Other International Agreements > of the United States of America 1776-1949", vol. 11 (pp. 1070-1080) (这个周末是美国独立日,贴这篇回应方舟子正好“合时应节”。因为长周末 不知道会有多少时间上网,所以今天就贴上来吧。) 方舟子在反驳“美国以基督教立国”的说法时用“美国几位重要创建者对基督 教的(不认同的)态度”来“证明”,不过话还是说得比较“有分寸”,说是 “我们很难相信美国是以基督教立国的”。--当然“很难相信”的事情不一定 就不是真的。 “美国以基督教立国”的说法也许确实过于“简单化”而笼统,也许不是特别 “准确”。但是美国这个国家从创建到?来的历史,其政体到法制都深受基督 教的影响,其“开国元勋”里面的很多人和?来很多的政治领袖人物都是“强 基督徒”,也是事实。这个舟子自己也是知道的(记得舟子好象谈过“清教徒” 伦理道德在美国法律中的影响等等--当然是“负面”的谈)。不过现在的美国 却也确实在走一条背离上帝的道路,基于基督教信仰的道德伦理立法等等的根 基正在逐渐被“拆毁”。所以很多时候当人们说“美国是基督教国家”的时候, 如果是指历史上的美国曾经是,还算没错,如果是指今天的现实,就很难这么 说了。 舟子引述了富兰克林、杰斐逊、亚当斯三位美国“重要创建者”的“反教”观 点,那些信件我没有研究过,不过我相信舟子的转述也是有出处而不是编造的。 但是即使是这几位,我也看到过其它的资料和引用的言论,单独拿出来也许会 给人不同的印象。比如富兰克林和杰斐逊也许都应该算是“自然神论”而不是 基督徒,但是富兰克林也曾经在1787年的立宪会议出现争吵的时候要求休会, 然?请一位牧师来带领会议,带领大家向“创造宇宙、统管万国”的造物主寻 求“属天的智慧。。。仁爱、真理、公义”: "I will suggest, Mr. President, that propriety of nominating and appointing, before we separate, a chaplain to this Convention, whose duty it shall be uniformly to assemble with us, and introduce the business of each day by and address to the Creator of the universe, and the Governor of all nations, beseeching Him to preside in our council, enlighten our minds with a portion of heavenly wisdom, influence our hearts with a love of truth and justice, and crown our labors with complete and abundant success!" 相信上帝会听祷告“干预”人间的事情本身至少已经跟“真正的自然神论”不 一样了。 杰斐逊自己甚至还说过“我是真正的基督徒,就是说,我是相信耶稣基督的教 诲的一个门徒”的话: "I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ." Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, editor, Washington, D.C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904. 所以至少杰斐逊对基督教的看法如何是有争议的,或者他自己的不同时期看法 不太一致。 至于约翰费堑彼梗拦拇唇ㄕ呃锩嬗辛礁鼋性己卜亚当斯的人(middle name 不同),一个(可能)比较“反教”,另一个(middle name“昆西”,美国第 二任总统--?)则是广为人知的“强”基督徒。 即使这三位“创建者”不认同基督教信仰是事实,也不等于所有的或者大多数 的创建者都不认同基督教信仰。比如当时制订宪法的人当中,不但大多数是基 督徒,更有相当比例的是牧师(干“革命”还是要冒点险,需要点献身精神的 。。。),舟子可以去查查统计数据。当然,少数几位创建者的“反教”态度 更不能“证明”美国建国的“精神支柱”不是源于基督教信仰。 实际上,如果要认真考查历史,看书、quote“名人名言”的话(我们都晓得 舟子喜欢考据,尤其是“历史”考据--虽然明人兄似乎对舟子自己宣称的“历 史高手”不太认同。。。),跟舟子的引言相左的东西可多了去了。我在?面 附上一些书目和引言,英文就不一一翻译了。 另外,“以基督教立国”不仅仅包含“创建”,也应该包括这个国家在成长的 历史中其政治体制、法律体系、伦理道德等等方面是否以基督教信仰为根本, 以及其历史上有重大影响的人物是不是以基督教信仰为他们的政治、法律、道 德等等理念的根基。如果仅仅说“人物”,可以举出名字来的跟舟子的例子就 多了,包括华盛顿、林肯这些“名人”--他们都是很“强”的“重生得救”的 基督徒,虽然不一定是完美的基督徒或者从来信心没有过动摇。 下一帖再从基督教信仰与美国政治、法律等等的关系方面简单看看。 ==================================================================== 〔附一〕关于基督教与美国历史的书目 FAITH OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS* by Tim LaHaye. FAITH AND FREEDOM: THE CHRISTIAN ROOTS OF AMERICAN LIBERTY* by Benjamin Hart. THE BULLETPROOF GEORGE WASHINGTON by David Barton. May be ordered from WallBuilders, PO Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008, 817-441-6044. GEORGE WASHINGTON THE CHRISTIAN by William J. Johnson. May be ordered from Accelerated Christian Education, PO Box 1438, Lewisville, TX 76067-1438, 214-315-1776, item # 218. THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY* by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. THE STORY OF LIBERTY* by Charles Coffin. May be ordered from Landmark Distributors, 481 W. Guiberson Rd., Fillmore, CA 93015, 805-524-3263. GOD AND GOVERNMENT: A BIBLICAL AND HISTORICAL STUDY* by Gary DeMar. May be ordered from American Vision, PO Box 724088, Atlanta, GA 31139, 770-988-0555 or 1-800-628-9460 (orders only). AMERICA'S PROVIDENTIAL HISTORY by Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell. May be ordered from The Providence Foundation, PO Box 6759, Charlottesville, VA 22901, 804-978-4535. ========================================================================= 〔附二〕美国创建者关于基督教的引言 ?First of all, I . . . rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ for a pardon of all my sins. Samuel Adams, Signer of the Declaration ?To my Creator I resign myself, humbly confding in His goodness and in His mercy through Jesus Christ for the events of eternity. John Dickinson, Signer of the Constitution ?I resign my soul into the hands of the Almighty who gave it in humble hopes of his mercy through our Savior Jesus Christ. Gabriel Duvall, U.S. Supreme Court Justice; selected as delegate to Constitutional Convention ?This is all the inheritance I can give to my dear family. The religion of Christ can give them one which will make them rich indeed. Patrick Henry ?I render sincere and humble thanks for His manifold and unmerited blessings, and especially for our redemption and salvation by his beloved Son. . . . Blessed be his holy name. John Jay, Original Chief-Justice U.S. Supreme Court ?I am constrained to express my adoration of . . . the Author of my existence . . . [for] His forgiving mercy revealed to the world through Jesus Christ, through whom I hope for never ending happiness in a future state. Robert Treat Paine, Signer of the Declaration ?I think it proper here not only to subscribe to . . . doctrines of the Christian religion . . . but also, in the bowels of a father's affection, to exhort and charge them [my children] that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, that the way of life held up in the Christian system is calculated for the most complete happiness. Richard Stockton, Signer of the Declaration ?My hopes of a future life are all founded upon the Gospel of Christ and I cannot cavil or quibble away [evade or object to]. . . . the whole tenor of His conduct by which He sometimes positively asserted and at others countenances [permits] His disciples in asserting that He was God. [6] John Quincy Adams ?Now to the triune God, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honor and dominion, forevermore ?; Amen.[7] Gunning Bedford, Signer of the Constitution ?You have been instructed from your childhood in the knowledge of your lost state by nature ?; the absolute necessity of a change of heart, and an entire renovation of soul to the image of Jesus Christ ?; of salvation thro' His meritorious righteousness only ?; and the indispensable necessity of personal holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. [8] Elias Boudinot, Revolutionary Officer and President of the Continental Congress (to his daughter) ?You do well to learn . . . above all the religion of Jesus Christ. [9] George Washington ?[D]on't forget to be a Christian. I have said much to you on this head and I hope an indelible impression is made. [10] Jacob Broom, Signer of the Constitution (to his son) ?On the mercy of my Redeemer I rely for salvation and on His merits; not on the works I have done in obedience to His precepts. [11] Charles Carroll, Signer of the Declaration ?I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ. [12] Thomas Jefferson ?I think the Christian religion is a Divine institution; and I pray to God that I may never forget the precepts of His religion or suffer the appearance of an inconsistency in my principles and practice. [13] James Iredell, U.S. Supreme Court Justice under President George Washington ?My only hope of salvation is in the infnite, transcendent love of God manifested to the world by the death of His Son upon the Cross. Nothing but His blood will wash away my sins. I rely exclusively upon it. Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly! [14] Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration ?I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. That the Scriptures of the old and new testaments are a revelation from God and a complete rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him. [15] Roger Sherman, Signer of both the Declaration and the Constitution ?I shall now entreat . . . you in the most earnest manner to believe in Jesus Christ, for "there is no salvation in any other" [Acts 4:12]. . . . [I]f you are not clothed with the spotless robe of His righteousness, you must forever perish. [16] John Witherspoon, Signer of the Declaration 1. County of Allegheny v. ACLU; 106 L. Ed. 2d 472 at 543, Kennedy, J. (concurring in part and dissenting in part). 2. CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll, November 28-29, 1994. 3. Steven Morris, "America's Unchristian Beginnings," Los Angeles Times, August 3, 1995, p. B-9. 4. John Adams, Works of John Adams, Charles Francis Adams, editor (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1856), Vol. X, p. 254. 5. Copies of these wills are in our fles and may be obtained from State archives and from historical societies. 6. The Select Writings of John and John Quincy Adams, Adrian Koch and William Peden, editors (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1946), p. 292, to John Adams on January 3, 1817. 7. Gunning Bedford, Funeral Oration Upon the Death of General Washington (Wilmington: James Wilson, 1800), p. 18. 8. Elias Boudinot, The Life, Public Services, Addresses, and Letters of Elias Boudinot, President of Continental Congress (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., 1896), Vol. I, pp. 260-262. 9. George Washington, The Writings of George Washington, John C. Fitzpatrick, editor (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Offce, 1932), Vol. XV, p. 55, to the Delaware Indian Chiefs on May 12, 1779. 10. From an autographed letter in our possession written by Jacob Broom to his son, James, on February 24, 1794, from Wilmington, Delaware. 11. From an autographed letter in our possession written by Charles Carroll to Charles W. Wharton, Esq., on September 27, 1825, from Doughoragen, Maryland. 12. Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, editor (Washington, D.C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), Vol. XIV, p. 385, to Charles Thomson on January 9, 1816. 13. James Iredell, The Papers of James Iredell, Don Higginbotham, editor (Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Commission, 1976), Vol. I, p. 11. 14. Benjamin Rush, The Autobiography of Benjamin Rush, George W. Corner, editor (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948), p. 166. 15. Lewis Henry Boutell, The Life of Roger Sherman (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co., 1896), pp. 272-273. 16. John Witherspoon, The Works of the Rev. John Witherspoon (Edinburgh: J. Ogle, 1815), Vol. V, pp. 276, 278, from "The Absolute Necessity of Salvation Through Christ," on January 2, 1758. ==================================================================================